Welcome To

Junior Primary

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way they should go."

From small beginnings in 1988, Southcity Christian Schools (SCS) has developed into what we believe is the leading school on the South Coast of KZN. Set on pristine, neat grounds with a magnificent view overlooking the Indian Ocean, we are indeed privileged to watch the whales at play and savor the ocean breeze daily. Incredible, yet true.

SCS Junior Primary provides learning opportunities for learners from Grade R to Grade 3, which form a Christian worldview. We provide a highly committed team who are responsible for creating and providing a safe, loving and stimulating environment conducive to learning. Specialized staff are responsible for Physical Education, Music theory and a fully developed musical program, Computer Literacy and Afrikaans First Additional Language.

We offer two classes per grade and numbers are restricted to twenty five with the exception of Grade R, where class sizes are capped at twenty per class. Our classroom facilities are bright and inviting and a small, stimulating play area facilitates outdoor teaching.


Grade R

Grade R Daily program: Our Grade R (reception year) forms the foundation stone for the future learning in the Junior Primary. The Grade R operates on an open plan system and is specifically developed to incorporate a balance between free-play and structured activities. Our focus is to provide opportunities to develop skills in all areas, namely, physical, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual. This important year not only lays the foundations for pre-reading, pre-writing, and pre-mathematics skills, but also develops organizational skills and independence, which are essential for progression into Grade One. Children attending our Grade R are fully integrated into our sport program, however they are not involved in afternoon sport.

For more info on our sports click here.

Grade One to Three

Junior Primary Timetable: Each class teacher is responsible for her class and a firm relationship is built between them. Each grade follows time allocations for the specific learning areas: English Home Language, Mathematics, Life Skills and Afrikaans First Additional Language. Each grade is privileged to have the aid of a teacher assistant offering the opportunity for group work and focusing on practical exploration and personal interaction.

Recording and Reporting

Seven levels of competence have been described for all subjects as listed in the National Curriculum Statement document (NCS). Teachers record and report Learners’ performance levels in terms of the achievement descriptors.

At Southcity, the Junior Primary receive two written reports. These are issued at the end of the second term and at the end of the year. Parent-Teacher interviews are held at the end of the first and third terms each year. These compulsory meetings thus replace the written report and form a vital part of parent-teacher communication.

Promotion Requirements

Promotion is based on the NCS National Policy Documents. 

Learner Support Centre

Southcity has, operating on its campus, a Remedial Teacher, a Trauma Counselor and an Occupational Therapist. These specialists offer services in a private capacity.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Gymbo-Kidz is offered to Grades R – 2.

Ballet lessons Grade R – 3.

Guitar Lessons Grade 3 upwards.

The above-mentioned extracurricular activities are privately run.

Outings and School visits

Outings are planned to enhance themes. A speaker or outing is planned each term per grade. SCS encourages support for community needs and activities are planned accordingly.

Sport and Physical Education

Children in Grades 1-3 have afternoon sport. Please refer to our sport page.

Physical Education lessons are provided for Grades R – 3. Please refer to the Junior Primary Timetable for more information.

Cultural Activities

The Junior Primary has a very busy cultural program. A highlight of the year is our play which is biblically based. Every child from Grade R to 3 participates in this annual event. There is a choir for Grade 2 and 3, who present items for special events such as Grandparents Day and Prize Giving. Each year the children participate in an Eisteddfod which is examined externally. At the end of the year the children participate in ‘Treasurer of the Word’. This affords them the opportunity to recite bible verses presented during the year, with understanding, so that they are equipped to ‘live’ the word.

Inter-House Events

The school is divided into three Houses namely Judah House (yellow), Levi House (blue) and Asher House (red). Inter-house events provide much enjoyment and fun, not to mention the development of a competitive spirit!


Junior Primary offers aftercare facilities for parents with pupils ranging from Grade 000 to Grade 3. This facility has been outsourced and is managed by a private concern on our campus.

Southcity Church

Our Sunday morning celebration starts at 09:00 in the auditorium, with evening services at 18:00. All parents are invited to come and join this vibrant community of believers who love Jesus! Visit the church website.

Junior Primary Uniform Shop

Our uniform shop is situated on campus and is open from:

Monday – Friday from 07:15 – 08:15 and again at 12:00 – 15:00

Mrs. Richards is ready to help parents and students with all uniform requirements. Also see our Online Shop.

Latest News

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